Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Renewal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

How do I log in to my account?

Log in using your email address as your username. If you do not remember your password, use the “forgot password” link. If the system does not recognize your email address, use the “forgot username” link and enter your email address again – this may trigger the system to recognize you if you are in our system but have never logged in before.

If you are locked out of your account due to too many failed login attempts, please contact our system administrator at to unlock your account.

Dues are based on the annual plastics-related global sales of a member’s parent company. Global sales are calculated on the previous full year’s sales; therefore, for 2025, dues are based on 2023 sales revenue.

We accept checks, ACH, wire, and all major credit cards.

When you renew online, you will be prompted to Pay Now with a credit card. Please note that credit card transactions will incur a 3% credit card processing fee.

If you do not wish to pay by credit card, choose the option “Request an Invoice” and an invoice will be sent within three (3) business days. The system may require that you enter a PO number – if you do not have one, simply enter a five-digit code, such as “00000”. Please see the bottom of the invoice for check, ACH, and wire details.

Our dues are based on the calendar year and cover January 1 through December 31, 2025.

Renewals have been moved to an online platform. A form is no longer required. Please proceed to the online platform by clicking the “Log In and Renew Here” button at the top of this page.

You will not receive an invoice without completing the online renewal form. When you navigate through the online renewal, you will be prompted to Pay Now with a credit card. If you require an invoice, select the “Request an Invoice” option and one will be sent within three (3) business days. The system may require that you enter a PO number – if you do not have one, simply enter a five-digit code, such as “00000”. If you choose the Pay Now option and pay with a credit card, you will receive a receipt but not an invoice.

The deadline for paying membership dues is January 1, 2025.

Payments received after January 31, 2025 will be subject to a late fee of 1.5% of dues each month of arrears.

For those exhibiting at NPE®, member companies must maintain continuous membership and be in good standing to qualify for and maintain the member discount on exhibit space.

To change your company’s Voting Representative, if the member status is Full, or Member Representative, if the status is Associate or Service Provider, please email and they will get you the required form to complete and return.

  • Step 1: Click on “Log In and Renew Here” at the top of this page
  • Step 2: Login to your account using your username and password
  • Step 3: Click on “CLICK HERE to begin renewal”
  • Step 4: Move through the steps of the renewal form by reading & filling out any required information, then click Next at the bottom of the page to continue on to the next step until renewal is complete

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) knows that a thriving plastics industry provides security for our families and strengthens the communities where we live and do business. The PLASTICS advocacy team makes sure our elected officials know, too.

Over many years, PLASTICS has developed positive working relationships with policymakers, allowing us to convey our comprehensive legislative agenda. The Plastics Industry Association PAC (PLASTICS PAC) is an important advocacy tool that compounds the resources of people employed by the plastics industry and gives them a voice in Washington, D.C.

PLASTICS PAC is a non-partisan political action committee. It is the only political action committee focused on the needs of the entire plastics industry. It supports federal candidates – regardless of party affiliation – who prioritize PLASTICS’ issues and advance our legislative agenda.

You can read more about PLASTICS PAC HERE.

PLASTICS has a 501(c)3 foundation called The Future of Plastics Foundation.

The Future of Plastics Foundation empowers a sustainable and thriving plastics industry through education, community engagement, and innovation. We envision a future where plastics are a cornerstone of a sustainable world.

Through education, community engagement, and cutting-edge innovation, the Future of Plastics Foundation will:

Fuel innovation by investing in a future-ready workforce, funding groundbreaking research and development, and supporting similar initiatives that foster a sustainable plastics future.

Cultivate a generation of prepared, informed, professional leaders who champion the responsible use, development, and circularity of plastics and endeavor to attract and train the plastics manufacturing experts of tomorrow.

Drive positive environmental impact by collaborating with communities to promote sustainability and positive environmental change.

For more information on the Foundation, visit

The End Market and Services demographics will allow PLASTICS to better direct member benefits. For Service Providers, please select the service the company provides.

The Equipment and Moldmakers Enhancement & Outreach Fund is a $200 optional add-on to your annual membership payment, requested from the equipment and moldmaker membership of the Plastics Industry Association. It is used to support special projects, needs, initiatives, and educational outreach on behalf of the Equipment Council and its respected members.

Some of the areas that benefit from the Fund include:

  • Domestic and International Standards Work: The Fund helps support the association’s active involvement in developing and promoting domestic and international standards related to the plastics industry.
  • Expansion and Enhancements of the Committee on Equipment Statistics (CES) Program: The Fund contributes to the growth and development of CES, which focuses on gathering and analyzing data related to equipment statistics in the plastics industry.
  • Support of Emerging Leaders and Educational Initiatives: The Fund provides assistance and resources to support leadership development and educational initiatives in the plastics industry.

In the past, the Fund has been utilized to support various initiatives, including:

  • Future Leaders in Plastics (FLiP) Initiatives: Funding initiatives aimed at developing and supporting emerging leaders in the plastics industry.
  • Educational Initiatives: Supporting educational programs, such as the SPE Foundation’s PlastiVan®, which aims to educate students about the benefits and importance of plastics.
  • Support of Domestic and International Standards Work: Assisting in the development and adoption of standards within the plastics industry, both at the international and domestic levels.
  • Enhancements and Infrastructure Upgrades to the CES Data Portal: Improving the infrastructure and functionality of the CES Data Portal to provide better access to equipment statistics.
  • Keynote Speakers for Events: Assisting in bringing notable keynote speakers to association events, enriching the educational value for attendees.
  • Charitable Contributions: Making charitable contributions in honor of members and their families.

Each $200 directly benefits and supports these efforts throughout the year, allowing the association’s equipment and moldmaker membership to continue advancing the industry while providing additional value to its membership.

If you have any questions, please contact Whitney Taveras, Director, Industry Engagement (Equipment):